

Cooper took his first vacation at 7 1/2 weeks!!  We were a little nervous about flying before he had his first shots, but our doctor assured us that he would be fine.  She told us to be smart and careful about germs, but
because we were just around family, he would be alright.  We met my family in Florida to celebrate Andy's graduation from college!  This was the first time Cooper met Uncle Andy, Uncle Paul, Aunt Missy, Emma and Ellie!  Everyone was so excited to meet him and couldn't wait to get their hands on him! 

Things were a little hectic at the airport and I might have mentioned to Josh that we were not having any more kids!!  :)  The security line kept piling up behind us and we just had SO much stuff.  One guard was telling me the stroller had to go through a special area while another one was insisiting it had to go on the belt.  Needless to say both Josh and I were a little flustered while holding two crying kids, but we did manage to get on the plane.  The children did really well and we made it to Florida!
Cooper met his cousin Ellie who is 4 1/2 months older {and only 1 pound heavier} than him!  They hung out on the floor together quite a bit.
This is how I caught Dad and Cooper on Mother's Day.  However I can't complain, the kids got me a beautiful "Mom" charm for my charm bracelet with both of their names on it.
Cooper didn't get in the ocean but definitely was out on the beach!  He was taken great care of by everyone.

We did introduce both Cooper and Ellie to the pool.  Cooper loved it and was just so relaxed!  He loves being in the water for bath time and this was no different.

 My little swimmer!
All of these kids are sure to keep everyone busy!

Because Josh had to leave early to go back to work, we flew with my parents into Houston.  This way there was another lap for the kids to sit on and we didn't have to buy a ticket.  We could have bought a plane ticket for Caroline up to Dallas, but she does not like to sit still!!  So we got off in Houston and Josh met us.  Then we drove home from there.  The car ride actually wasn't even that bad!



My {not so little} 2 month old!!  I can not believe that Cooper is now 2 months old!  The time has just flown by and it seems like there is not time for many things.  I have so many good intentions for this blog and just can not seem to update it how I would like.  Sorry Cooper!! 

Cooper turned 2 months old on May 15th.  We had his wellness visit and everything is just perfect!  I ended up taking Caroline with me and wasn't quite sure how the appointment would go with the two of them.  Josh surprised us by showing up and helped out quite a bit!  Cooper got his first round of shots and handled them like a champ.  He cried right afterwards but then seemed to be okay.  He slept for a little while and later that evening it really started affecting him.  We could tell he was in pain and he just continued to cry.  It seems like after this he seemed to wake up from his newborn phase. We've had some more crying fits and times when it has taken a while to calm him down, but he has still been a very good baby.  He is still not sleeping through the night, but is pretty consistent when he wakes up.  He eats around 1 and 4-5 every morning.  Believe it or not, but I have even gotten pretty used to this schedule and it hasn't been that bad.
Here is where he fits in:
weight: 14 lbs, 5 oz.  (91st percentile)
height: 23.75 inches (73rd percentile)
head circumference: 41 cm (70th percentile)
As you can see, Cooper is very healthy and growing quickly!!  Our doctor said he is the size of an average 4 month old!!  He has doubled his birth rate in 2 months!  We have moved him into size 2 diapers and probably are going to start size 3 once we have used up all of what we have!  (Caroline just moved up to size 4 in February!)  None of his newborn clothes fit and we are mostly wearing 3-6 month clothes.  He is quite a smiler and it is so fun to be able to make him laugh.  All day Caroline and I lay him on the couch and then tickle his cheeks to make him smile.  It is one of her favorite things to do!  I just love the way she plays with him!  We absolutely love having Cooper around and have transitioned to life with 2 kids quite well!!

And because I never got time for a 1 month post...
At 3 weeks:

weight: 8 lbs. 15 oz (45th percentile)
height: 21 inches (49th percentile)
head circumference: 37 cm (38th percentile)


Like father... like son

So I am SO far behind and eventhough my little guy is 2 months old already, I sure haven't forgotten about him!  Currently I have only posted up until his newborn pictures, but a lot has been going on!  Here is a cute a picture I snapped with my phone of him and his daddy in matching outfits!  Priceless!  :)